Unity Look At

  • In this video you will learn how to allow game-object to rotate only on Y Axis.
  • In addition, if you import a Target Camera, Unity creates a camera with a Look At Constraint using the target object as the source. Look At is a simplified version of the Aim Constraint. Whereas the Aim Constraint allows you to choose which axis will follow the constraining GameObject, the Look At Constraint always follows the z-axis.
  • Watch this video in context on Unity Learn:to make a game object's transform face another's by using the LookAt.

Welcome to Junior Programmer! Designed for anyone interested in learning to code or obtaining an entry-level Unity role, this pathway assumes a basic knowledge of Unity and has no math prerequisites. Junior Programmer prepares you to get Unity Certified so that you can demonstrate your job-readiness to.

Author: capnbishop

Unity Look AtUnity

Unity Look At Mouse 3d


This script will cause an object to rotate towards the mouse cursor along it's y axis.

This action could be good for third person games where objects need to point to the cursor but remain parallel with the ground. For instance, a sentry gun located in the center of the screen that rotates toward the mouse to target oncoming enemies.


Unity 2d look at position

Drop this script onto a GameObject to have it look toward the cursor. Change the speed value to alter how quickly the object rotates.

JavaScript - LookAtMouse.js

C# - LookAtMouse.cs

This is a direct copy of the Javascript function implemented in c#

Retrieved from 'http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=LookAtMouse&oldid=18344'

Unity Look At Player

Author: Jake Bayer (BakuJake14)


C# version of the SmoothLookAt script that comes with Unity. Like the JS version, it locks on to a target and looks at the target while in a fixed position. Useful for indoor scenes.


Works the same way as the JS version. Attach the script below to a camera and drag an object into the Target slot. If Smooth is turned on, the camera will dampen its transform (handled by the private variable _myTransform) as well as look at the target. Otherwise, it will just look at the target. The public variable MinDistance handles how far the camera should be from the Target. Use Damping to control the camera's movement.

Note: The lines of code concerning colors and and the Start function are not needed, so they have been commented out.

Unity Look At


Retrieved from 'http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=SmoothLookAt_CS&oldid=15926'