
  1. How Magneto Ignition Works
  2. Magnetos

Old Telephone Magnetos and what you need to know about them!

Old telephone magnetos, generatoror Mags are one of the most fun little gadgets of the 20th century. As most found life starting as a means of signaling the operator or signaling another party that you wanted to make a call. In later years as the crank telephone was being replaced with modern dial telephones these old phones were being thrown away and resourceful people tried to findways to unutilized the parts in other ways. One of the most famous ways is toshock or stun fish. This was done by attaching 2 wires to the Mag and danglingthe wires off both sides of the boat while the Mag was being cranked. This wouldnot kill the fish but temporary stun them. Sometimes the fish would wake rightup as soon as you quite cranking the Mag. As the fish were stunned they wouldfloat to the top of the water and someone could count or even scoop up the fish.Now in some parts of the USA this is Illegal and in others it is legal. Pleasecheck with your local wildlife officer to be sure before your start. I sellMagnetos for replacement in old telephones and for science projects. What you do with them is up to you! here is an interesting webpage about using a mag.

Old telephone Magnetos produceAC electricity by passing a wound coil past a positive and negative charged fields.This produces a charge at the core of the armature or coil. A old telephonemagneto produces from 6 to 110 volts. the older Mags put out about 80 .The Western Electric 5 bar Mag can put out close to 100 and up to 120 if it iscranked very fast. It is possible to lightly light a light bulb with a magneto.The later model small magnetos were engineered to be small and put out morejuice. These will put out as much or more than the big 5 bar Mags. Although theWestern Electric 5 bar Mag is the hottest.

Magneto parts for most antique and modern magnetos. Coils, points, condensers, caps, rotors, bearings, gaskets, and most other parts. Spark plugs, cloth covered wire, and terminals for popular antique tractors and stationary engines Oilers, oiler parts, grease cups, priming cups, oil cups, drain cocks. Joe Hunt Magnetos uses only the finest 'Rare Earth' magnets to drastically improve spark to your engine. With the best in magnetos and accessories, we offer a full line of parts and accessories including ignition system wires, billet side covers & magneto kits.

Please do not email asking how to shock fish or how to rig up your mag. It is illegal to do that here. All Mags are tested before they leave here and are hot. Do not take your Mag apart to see how it works. We do not take Mags back or accept any returns on Mags.

Have any questions please call 9one3-4two4-88four8

A load of Mags that just came in!


Magnetos for Sale!

Late model crank telephone magneto. These put out a lot of juice for such asmall Mag. Great for replacing your missing telephone magneto or for those otherprojects that require a hand crank generator. These will generate about 80 - 120 voltsat AC current. These are $150.00 if you need a crank too email me and I will add it to your bill Magneto's may differ slightly from those pictured.

These are one of hottest magnetos made.

  • Joe Hunt Magnetos uses only the finest 'Rare Earth' magnets to drastically improve spark to your engine. With the best in magnetos and accessories, we offer a full line of parts and accessories including ignition system wires, billet side covers & magneto kits.
  • Vertex magnetos eliminate two, three or more components required for ignition. Vertex equipped hand-cranked engines eliminate the need for a battery, coil, alternator, regulator, starter and associated wiring, for a substantial weight savings. Applications are unlimited.

One mag no crank click this link.
Order here!


The same Mag above With a crank!$165.00
Can not be ordered separately!

Special 5 mags with cranks $140.00 each and free shipping

Super Special deal 10 mags with crank and free shipping $125.00 each


The same Mag above With a crank!$165.00$125.00 Plus $16.00 shipping

SPECIAL $125.00 Plus shipping Limited time only!!


I have several differenttypes of Mags. The last ones built put out the most AC current for their size. These are thesmaller Mags shown in the pictures above as compared to a larger, older 5 bar Mag. Because these are in the biggest demand they are getting harder tofind. Also these are no longer made so what I can find will be all I can get.These will generate about 80 - 120 volts at AC current. These are $120.00 if you need a crank too email me and I will add it to your bill. Magneto's may differ slightly from those pictured! These Cost $120.00 each and $15.00 extra for a crank

For one of thesesmaller Mags order here!

Out at this time!


On the Mags below order crank at the bottom of the page!

3 bar no name Mags $100.00

Please order your crank at bottom of the page!

3 bar Name brand Mags $120.00

Please order your crank at bottom of the page!


4 bar no name Mags $100.00

Please order your crank at bottom of the page!

4 bar brand name nice $125.00

Please order your crank at bottom of the page!


5 bar $130.00 -$150.00


1. Rusty but working $130.00

20-50 volts AC

Please order your crank at bottom of the page!

2. 5 bar not as rusty and working $150.00

50-70 volts AC

Please order your crank at bottom of the page!


3. Nice Working some mayhave brand name on Mag tag. $160.00

Please order your crank at bottom of the page!


This is the hottest,strongest, most electro-biting magneto that I know of. The first time you getzapped by this bad boys you will not want to do it again! It hurts! This doesnot come with the back bracket as shown. 30-100 volts This Mags comes in Black, gray (shown)and red. Not all Mags will be this clean. Please order your crank below!

I have some of those that are not as strong for 1/2 price. You may be able to tinker with them and get them hotter.Email for these here!

I have two at this time!

$240.00 for the old big Western Electric 5 bar Mags plus$20.00 shipping.

$260.00 plus $20.00 shipping for Mag and crank!

I have two at this time!

If you have one all ready setup send the phototo me and I will post it here!


Old straight black crank

$39.00 Order

Thousandsof Worm Harvesters are giving good results in gathering Worms. There is noparticular ability required to use the Angle Worm Harvester, but there areconditions that are more favorable. There are different kinds of AngleWorms and they live in different kinds of Soil. Nearly all Soils contain EarthWorms, so we suggest experimenting to learn what method gives the best results.

Wormsare near the surface in early morning, late evening or at night, but not duringthe heat of the day. The Soil should be well soaked with Water and then allowedto drain for an hour or two. The Earth Worn eats its way through the soilmaking a hole or burrow that is from one to three feet deep. There are placeswhere they widen the burrow so that they may curl up and lay dormant or reversethe direction of the crawl. Theydo not have any eyes or ears but are sensitive to light and vibration. WhileWorms can pull themselves back into their holes, their normal movement is to goforward and a Worm that has started into a hole headfirst must go to the chamberat the end of the hole to turn around or eat another hole in the direction itwishes to go. Theycome to the surface at nighttime and feed on grass, clover or other plant lifethat they drag into their holes, or they- eat the vegetation and start a newhole.

TheWorm caste or little -pile of soil left by a Worm is the result of its FOURRODSgive better results than Two Rods. They should be driven 1/2 to three feet inthe ground in a rectangle of about 5 feet x 2 feet and One Wire connected to twoRods. KEEPTHE GENERATOR DRY BY MOUNTING IT ON A BOARD OR A BOX.

TheRod can be any piece of Metal preferably about ¼ inch square or -1/4 inch indiameter if round. One Rod can be used to make holes in the ground and smallershorter wires then be pushed into the holes, Theoperation of the Harvester is- not dangerous in any way. Should an Operatorplace a hand over the Generator- terminals, a shock will be felt but since it ishand operated the action will stop immediately. Allof these things can be done, but because the Worms live in the ground where wecan’t see- them, we can only tell by trial how to get the best results AsWorms do not have eyes but are sensitive to light a dim flashlight is preferredwhen gathering them.


Theelectrical current produced by the Harvester will bring the Worms to thesurface. If the current is strong enough it will stun the Worms who will recoverwithout harm. If the current is too strong it will injure the Worms and whitespots will show on the skins. Such Worms may live up to 24 hours but will die,or the Worms may remain in the ground and die.

NIGHTCRAWLERSthat come out at nighttime may be captured by laying the Rods on the wet grassand cranking fairly fast. This stuns the Night Crawlers so they can’t withdrawback into their holes and they can be gathered easily.

InWet Soil such us a lawn that has been sprinkled, electric current will travel along distance with very little loss. For harvesting Worms we recommend settingthe Rods about 5 to 10 feet apart The More Rods that are used, the moreeffective the procedure. One set of Rods should be driven into the ground abouttwo feet. The opposite rods should start at six inches and be driven deeperdepending on results.

Afterit has been determined that there are Worms in the ground and the amount ofmoisture and current that brings them to the surface, the area to be worked onmay be increased many times larger than that suggested for experimenting.

Theadvantage of the Worm Harvester is that the amount of current can be controlledby the speed with which the crank is turned. IT REQUIRES SOME PRACTICE TOLEARN ABOUT WHAT AMOUNT OF CURRENT TO USE.

Thereare locations favorable to gathering Worms and some unfavorable. A Shady Lawnwith Soil of Black Loam is favorable. The Green on golf Courses are treated withChemicals to keep Worms away. Any harvesting of Worm on Golf Courses must bedone in the Fairways.

Questions and answers

Q. It doesn't work. I don't know the name brand, but it has a logo on it that looks like a T, W, M, and C all stamped on top of one another. It doesn't put out any voltage that I can tell. A/C or D/C. What can I do to possibly make it work? Thanks for your time on this, Michael T

A. First lets check and see if the magneto armature is open (Has a broken wire). First turn it upside down and find the 2 points on the armature where the hair thin wire is soldered on. take a OHM meter and check it for resistance. if there is none you have a broken wire. It will need to be rewound. if there is resistance, then check the stud that sticks through the case and makes contact with the tab on the outside of the Mag. Take the ohm meter with one lead against the stud and the other on the tab. If it shows it to be open clean the stud and the tab with sand paper or emery paper. Make sure while you are checking this that you check the stud against the case. it SHOULD be open or no resistance. If there is resistance you will need to take the Mag apart and give it a good cleaning with Acholal or electronics cleaner. Only Oil the Mag with dielectric oil. This is a non conductive oil. This will keep your Mag from shorting out. Telephone magnetos only put out AC current.

Thank you! Well, turns out your input was very helpful, thanks! The ohms checked out. So further examination revealed that the contact that carries power from the armature to the terminal was gone! I made a new one, and this baby is putting out 100 volts!!!!!! Wow!! thanks again! Michael T

Thank you for all the great info!!!!!!! We purchase some Liquid Wrench Silicone Spray that said it was high strength dielectric....will that work???? If not will you please tell me the brand name and where you can purchase a non conductive dielectric oil to lubricate our Mag as mentioned in your article. Thank you in advance for all your help!


I have never used it but if it is dielectric it should work. I always take the Mag apart and clean them with electronics cleaner (bought a bunch on sale) and wipe all bearing surfaces down with a rag. Then oil them with dielectric oil I salvage out of submersible water pumps.LPS All Purpose Lube, TKX, Trigger Spray, 20 oz is dielectric too

Telephone Mags, Old telephone Mags, phone magneto, cranker, old phone juicer, telephone generator, calling fish, fishing, fish, how to catch the big ones, magneto, fish shocker, electro shocking fish, Worm getter, worm shocking,megneto, generator, old time fish catcher,generator

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The function of the aviation piston engine ignition system is to provide an electrical spark to ignite the fuel/air mixture in the engine cylinders. The ignition system of the engine is a separate system and is not part of the airplane’s overall electrical system. The magneto type ignition system is used on most reciprocating aircraft engines. Magnetos are engine-driven self-contained units that supply electrical current without using an external source of current. Magnetos are frequently not maintained to requirements specified in L1363 Manual- 4300/6300 Series Magneto Maintenance and Overhaul Manual, probably because they’re so reliable and all engines have a redundant magneto. Magnetos need regular maintenance, and the consequences of neglect can be devastating.

Modern airplane engines are required by to have a dual ignition system – that is, two separate magnetos to supply the electric current to the two spark plugs contained in each cylinder. One magneto system supplies the current to one set of plugs, while the second magneto system supplies the current to the other set of plugs. The airplane’s double ignition system provides better performance because of more efficient combustion and a higher level of safety through redundancy.

Champion Slick magnetos have applications on nearly all piston engines and are known for the following design features:

  • Smaller and lighter unique design allowing for a dimensionally smaller magneto,
    resulting in easier installation and lighter weight- as much as one pound lighter than competitive magnetos.
  • Radio noise suppression- Slick magnetos feature superior noise suppression, eliminating the need for magneto filters.
  • Easy to maintain- Slick magnetos use up to 50% fewer parts than the competitive aircraft magnetos. In addition, 70% of the parts in any Slick magneto are interchangeable with the comparable parts in other current production Slick magnetos.

Slick magnetos are engineered so that mechanical parts wear at a balanced rate. Consistent and complimentary wear patterns establish the recommended maintenance intervals defined in Champion Aerospace service literature, so used and service-worn parts should never be used to troubleshoot or repair a magneto, nor should original parts be replaced by used service worn parts on magnetos being returned to service.

Further, non-Champion Aerospace manufactured parts may wear at uneven and different rates than original Champion Aerospace manufactured parts, making Champion Aerospace service literature an inappropriate guide to proper maintenance. Parts not manufactured by Champion Aerospace, even if FAA/PMA Approved, may not fit or operate like original Champion Aerospace manufactured parts. FAA testing of PMA parts does not require operation on an engine or flight tests and does not require the test duration to exceed the maintenance intervals called out in Champion Aerospace literature. For these reasons, used service worn parts or parts not manufactured by Champion Aerospace may adversely affect magneto reliability in ways not anticipated by Champion Aerospace and its service literature.

How Magneto Ignition Works

Genuine Champion Aerospace parts are produced and inspected under rigorous procedures to ensure airworthiness and suitability in Slick magnetos. Parts purchased from sources other than Champion Aerospace (even though outwardly identical in appearance) may not have had the required tests and inspections performed, may be different in fabrication techniques and materials, and may be dangerous when installed in a Slick magneto. Salvaged magneto parts, reworked parts obtained from non-Champion Aerospace approved sources, or parts the service history of which is unknown or cannot be authenticated may have been subjected to unacceptable stresses or temperatures or have other hidden damage, not discernible through routine visual or usual nondestructive testing techniques. This may render service work with this part, even though originally manufactured by Champion Aerospace, unsuitable or unsafe for use in a Slick magneto. Champion Aerospace expressly disclaims any responsibility.

Slick magnetos can also be economically serviced at 500-hour intervals. To ensure their reliability, all AD’s are complied with and the following high wear parts are replaced:

  • Brush
  • Capacitor(s)
  • Points
  • Rotor Gear
  • Impulse Spring (as applicable)


For aircraft that operate in demanding environments, use Champion SlickSTART™ technology. Cold Start, Hot Start, Any Start- SlickSTART™. SlickSTART unleashes a firestorm of ignition energy to get your engine started under the worst environmental conditions. SlickSTART is so effective, even sub-optimal fuel mixtures and seriously fouled spark plugs won’t stop the capacitive discharge output from providing the ignition boost your engine needs for reliable starts under demanding conditions. SlickSTART’s sure starting power:

  • Delivers up to 340% more spark energy to your plugs during starting
  • Increase output voltage by more than 30%
  • Overcomes poor engine priming
  • Reduces costly electrical stress to your battery and starter
  • Is approved for use with Slick Magnetos

Plus, it’s inexpensive and easy to install. Just add SlickSTART to your impulse coupled magnetos or replace your antiquated starting vibrator.