
HRincubator 62 followers on LinkedIn. HRinnovation / co-creating the future of work Innovating HR / Transforming the World of Work Incubator and accelerator Get connected to the HR Innovation. Millions of smart people and businesses trust RescueTime’s award-winning tools and courses to help them become more focused, productive, and motivated. Find the product that's right for you PC MAG EDITOR'S CHOICE “RescueTime is a rare five-star product and one of the best productivity tools we’ve ever tested.”. The RescueTime Android app can be found at the Google Play store. When you install the app, you will see a friendly welcome screen. Press the green Continue button at the bottom to start the setup process. You are then presented with a choice of what you want to track from this device: Apps and (optionally) Sites. Tracking will require. RescueTime for VS Code. The RescueTime for VS Code extension makes it easy to stay aware of your software development time without leaving your editor. As you work, you will see a total of your daily software development time and a gauge of how focused you currently are on coding. You'll need a RescueTime account and an API key.

The RescueTime Android app can be found at the Google Play store.

When you install the app, you will see a friendly welcome screen. Press the green Continue button at the bottom to start the setup process.

You are then presented with a choice of what you want to track from this device: Apps and (optionally) Sites. Tracking will require additional permissions, which the app will help you set up in subsequent screens.

To set up app tracking, tap on the first green Enable button. The first permission request screen pops up, explaining how to set up App Usage access for RescueTime. Click Fix settings to start the process.

You'll be sent to the System Settings 'Apps with usage access' screen. Tap on the RescueTime entry.

Then the RescueTime app usage access screen will open. Move the slider to the right to enable access.

Now hit the Back button twice to return to RescueTime. You will then see this screen, showing that Track Apps has been enabled:

Click the second green Enable button to set up tracking of individual websites in browsers. (NOTE: This feature may be disabled in some versions of Android, namely Android 9 Pie and newer.) You will be led to another permission setup screen, explaining that RescueTime needs accessibility service access to track sites:

Click the green Fix settings button to go to the System Accessibility Settings page.

Click on RescueTime's listing to open the detail page, and then move the slider right to enable RescueTime for accessibility.

Now hit the Back button twice to return to RescueTime. You will then see this screen, showing that Track Sites has been enabled. Tap the blue Continue at bottom to move on.

You will then see the sign-up screen. If you already have a RescueTime account, tap on the blue link at the top to sign in. If you do not have an account, you can create one by entering details into the address and password fields, and checking the box that indicates you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.

After logging in or creating an account, you will be taken to the app Dashboard.

If you have an existing account with data, you will see that information on the Dashboard. If you just created your account, it will take a few minutes for data to be displayed.

The RescueTime for VS Code extension makes it easy to stay aware of your software development time without leaving your editor. As you work, you will see a total of your daily software development time and a gauge of how focused you currently are on coding.



You'll need a RescueTime account and an API key.

Rescuetime App

You can create a RescueTime account here.

You can create your API key here.


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See your daily coding time

Each day, RescueTime will keep track of the time you spend working on software development. Note that this is not just time spent in your editor, but also time spent in related tools–other IDEs, documentation sites like Stack Overflow and GitHub, and test environments like localhost. As you log time, you will see the total in your status bar.

See your current focus level (RescueTime premium only)

In addition to your daily total, RescueTime can keep track of your current focus level. This can help you see when you are getting distracted by other activities.

Known Issues

Due to the way the RescueTime desktop application sends data, there can be a delay in uploading data when spending a long, uninterrupted period working on a single document. In extreme cases, this can cause the focus level to clear out until the next time you switch to a different window or application.

Release Notes

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Initial release of RescueTime extension for VS Code