Steam Roulette

The mobile casino has taken the concept of personalized gaming Steam Roulette Account to a whole new level. Now you can play on the go 24×7 regardless of where you are. All you need is a smartphone that gives you Internet Steam Roulette Account access via 3G, 4G, LTE, or Wi-Fi. We have listed for you some of the top mobile Steam Roulette Account.

Steam multiplayer-games roulette

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  • The live dealer Steam Roulette games of this website are hosted by several game developers. One of the most prominent ones is Evolution Gaming, a company whose live games are mostly hosted Steam Roulette in Latvia. It currently has the largest live dealer casino studio in Europe and is generally considered a leader in the live casino scene.

Add Profile

Multiplayer Steam-roulette

Random Steam Roulette

For each player you want to compare with the others enter it's steam ID into the 'Add Profile' box above and wait for the avatar to load. Once you entered all the accounts you want to play with click on to the 'Roll' button below to get all the common games listed up and a random one picked of those for you to play.
You can find your SteamID here.

Steam Game Picker

Play now

'Alea jacta est' an improtant decision was made. We asked the oracle of delphi and fate choose this game for you to enjoy. Now it's up to you to accept your fate or to ignore the will of the goods and roll again.

Other Multiplayer games you have in common

Commonly loved multiplayer-games


What is this page for?

This page is made to compare your games to the ones of your steam friends. While there is the check-box on the official steam page to display only games you share with one of your friends this page has a lot of advantages. First of all this pages allows you to compare as many friends to your game library as you want. Contrary to the steam page we pick a game for you to play so you don't have to make a choice for your self.

Do I need to enter my steam password to use this service?

Steam Roulette

Apsolutely not. This website uses purely public informations that can be read from your profile. Infact if you set your Profile to private it will not show anything.

Why do users take so long to be added?
Steam roulette scam

I am really sorry if you are experiencing problems with the wheel. The delay is mainly due to the ammount of data that has to be load via the steam servers, evaluated on mine and sent to you. I am currently reworking the steam roulette and I hope it will get more efficient in future.

What do I have to put inside the user box?

All you need for this page to work is the Steam64 Id of the users account you want to add. You can find out what yours is here: here!

It’s way too easy to build up a huge library of games on Steam, even without trying, or having Scrooge McDuck wealth. Seasonal sales, Humble Bundles, even just normal deals are easy enough for a person with a bit of disposable income to rack up the titles. For the average joe, this usually amounts in games coming in faster than games being completed. What a waste! Who knows what treasures are there, already owned!

Here’s an idea that I saw for dealing with unsightly Steam backlogs that I thought I would try and chronicle on here. Hopefully I’ll find some hidden gems amid the unplayed noise and make all those sales over the years count!


  1. I will use the site What Should I Play On Steam to identify and play a game from my library. This site takes your Steam ID as input and randomly selects a game from your library.
  2. I MUST install and play that game for an hour, no matter what. Well, with the following exceptions:
    1. If it’s a game that I’ve actually already gotten all the achievements in, I’ll draw again.
    2. If it’s a random game in an episodic series (Telltale, etc.), I will play the first episode of that series, or the next unplayed episode. For example, if I draw Back to the Future Episode 3, and I haven’t touched that series yet, I will play Episode 1 for my hour.
    3. If it’s an old multiplayer only game that’s completely dead now, I’ll draw again.
    4. If it’s one that’s already come up in the Roulette, I’ll draw again.
  3. After my hour is complete, I will give a quick impressions write-up on here and rate it in one of the following categories, both here and in my Steam library for later.
    1. Want to Come Back To – This was actually fun! A diamond in the rough. The Steam experiment was a success!
    2. Maybe Later… – I didn’t have the greatest time, but if I ever find myself unemployed or stuck with an abundance of free time with all my main interests completed I’ll think about it.
    3. Garbage – This was a crappy game that I have no intention of playing again.